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Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law


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The Encyclopedia will be steadily expanded until all of the nearly 1700 articles are made available by 2010. Once the online publication is completed, a print version will be published.

Upon its completion, the MPEPIL will be an updated, comprehensive work covering the central and essential topics in international law. Accordingly, the previous edition is not being revised. Rather, nearly all topics are being rewritten and many new topics included in order to capture the latest developments in international law. To do justice to the changing nature of international law, an increased emphasis will be placed on the relevance of each keyword for contemporary international law. Particular attention will be paid to the contextualization of each topic within international law as well as the presentation of current trends while maintaining a focus on the mainstream/majority view. The goal is to avoid a purely Eurocentric perspective and this will be achieved with the assistance of academics and practitioners from various legal backgrounds and perspectives. The intention is that the MPEPIL will be a work that reflects international law from a global perspective while taking into account regional perspectives.

Heidelberg : Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law ; Oxford : Oxford University Press
  • Internationale Rechtsprechung
  • Internationales öffentliches Recht